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Web Analytics

If your not looking at the right metrics, it doesn’t matter if you have analytics set up, because you aren’t getting the right information. The metrics below are a great help in keeping your design on track and focused on how users are interacting with your site:



Top pages:

This report shows you the content your visitors are most interested in. What pages are performing the best? Examine those and create more of that! Providing more of what your visitors are looking for will keep engagement high and encourage sharing with friends.

Landing pages:

Watching user behavior is important on landing pages, because the whole point of a landing page is to get users to take action or venture deeper into your site. If users aren’t completing the action you want them to take, then it might be an indication the information you deliver doesn’t match what searchers are looking for. Is there a high bounce rate? It could mean there isn’t a clear navigation path. We will make sure your landing pages are relevant and focused.

Average time

on site:

Of course there will be users who came to your site hoping to find something else, and thus leave quickly. However, overall you want old and new visitors alike to spend at least four minutes on your site (the average time visitors spent on a site in 2017 was four minutes and 50 seconds). If your visitors are quickly leaving your site, you need to assess your navigational system and content. You also need to make sure the content on your site is interesting and useful enough that viewers are sticking around to read or watch it.

Bounce rate:

The ultimate indicator of first impressions, a high bounce rate means that the design is failing to engage your visitors. Inspect the bounce rate on all of the important pages to figure out which ones need adjustments we will be happy to make any adjustments you think your website may need.

Conversion rate:

The whole point of a website is to convert viewers. A conversion doesn’t have to be a purchase; it’s simply when a visitor completes the goal for that page, and a goal can be anything from a newsletter sign up to an eBook download. If your conversion rate is low average conversion rates vary greatly by industry, then you need to examine the design strength of your landing and conversion pages.

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